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傳盛有限公司 (Amars Limited) 於香港成立多年, 以往是 索尼香港有限公司 (Sony Corporation of Hong Kong Ltd) 的記錄媒體經銷商, 銷售全線 SONY 品牌的記錄媒體產品。 我們現在銷售產品更廣泛, 提供 SONY 及世界各大小品牌的專業錄影帶, 數據磁帶, 光碟, 記憶咭, USB閃存, 內外置式儲存硬盤/SSD外, 更有攝影機、相機等 及各影音相關配件與用品。我們致力服務本地傳播及影視制作行業, 提供多元化及名廠專業記錄媒體產品。

目前 "傳盛" 更與多個世界品牌供應商合作, 銷售認可、卓越之電腦器材、數據存儲產品、電腦軟件、影視攝錄器材、文儀用品、打印器材與耗材、相關週邊配件和產品等, 以及提供各類形式備份和虛擬化解決方案。 目前服務市場及銷售對象甚廣, 給各行各業, 政府部門、教育團體、社福機構、以至個人用戶提供專業的產品及優質服務。

同時,在更新銷售網站時亦會加入新元素。 逐步加推個人及家居用品、健康與時尚生活等系列之高品質產品。提供壹個壹站式多元化及便捷購物途徑,亦為客戶帶來更健康及優質舒適的生活。

UB+ 藍芽音箱 便是我們為大眾帶來的一個新品牌, 高音質與時尚品味配合的高性價比產品。大家不妨到網頁內了解一下!

Amars Limited is specialized in providing professional recording media products for years, and used to be the distributor of Recording Media for Sony Corporation of Hong Kong Limited in the industry.

Nowaday, Amars supplies different brands and media in full ranges of recording storage products, not only prior format on professional video and audio tapes, data storage tapes, optical disc etc., but also memory cards, USB flash drives, SSD/hard disc drives and other types of visual and information storage media products in Hong Kong.

Besides storage media, we also have strong connections with worldwide brandings on office & computer systems, AV equipment & appliance products suppliers.  And that we can provide varieties of office equipments from stationery to computer hardware & software, integrated with different peripherals, accessories, mobile accessories, network & conferencing system equipment, TV & office appliance etc.  We will continue to strengthen our products & services supply for the needs and requirements from our customers!

UB+ Bluetooth Speaker is our latest product we bring into the consumer market with excellent sound quality and stylish design! Feel free to visit the UB+ homepage under our web-site!

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